Packaging design artwork - it is more than just preparing files for production. Design agencies and Brand owners trust me to take care of their designs. Let me help you realize your designs.


creative-artwork help image
Packaging Design Artwork
    Freelance artwork support
    Hourly billing
    Illustrator artwork files
    Photoshop retouching
    Production support
3D packaging visual image
Packaging Visuals
    3D modelling
    Creating label / can artworks
    Materials, textures, foils, finishes.
    Lighting / rendering
    Blender files
    Photoshop retouching
creative-artwork help image
Adobe Illustrator Help
    File construction help
    How to create artwork files
    Advanced illustrator help
    Working together with Photoshop
one-to-one help image
Book a time... £50/h
    One-to-one video support
    Help when you need
    Advanced Illustrator / Photoshop
    How to? Ask any question
Liberation drink can - Strawberry Daiquiri

Animation adds to the appeal.


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Graham provides an excellent level of service and is also obsessive about providing solutions. What Graham does not know about technology and artwork is not worth knowing.

Graham Burt is an excellent addition to your team, he has good relationships with our print team and attends all training sessions. Out of all the artworkers in all the agencies, he has the best grasp on the work and is really passionate about doing a great job, he understands the process, is a real authority and a trusted, safe pair of hands.

Thank you for making our back end look good!

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