
Painting with light


It takes ages!!!
At one level using 3D visualising software can be straightforward and a few months of learning will give great results. But getting the visual right is really, really difficult. Just when you think you have setup everything ok and looking good you realise when you zoom in, that bump map you applied to the bottle has no geometry on the edges? ! What! So you go back to the manual, google, YouTube, Udemy, Domestika, CGCookie. . How hard can it be! Displacement maps. . ok, so you add the detail after re-making all the image files and realise that you have not quite understood everything quite right, why is it so pixelated and sharp? 16-Bit apparently, also cubic not Flat, of course! All will be forgotten until the next time. . .
Then you set it up for the render. For ages I thought I could use a basic 3 point light setup, fill, rim, even flag(!?) etc. or just add a lighting setup from experts that sell them, just add model here. Mmmm , its not that easy. So back to the resources and you need to learn from photographers who have been "painting with light" for years. This part is difficult and it takes time. Fortunately I discovered Wenbo Zhao a photographer that uses Blender and understands how to use both. Thanks!
It is probably easy to find someone who can create a 3D visual of your product or packaging but will the essence of your brand be communicated? I have been helping brand designers and marketeers do this seamlessly for years.

If you would like a visual created of your product or pack similar to something you see on my site, let me know what you are after and I will create one for you.
You will get a layered .psd high res file, an optimised .png or .jpg AND I will create one other colour variant for free if you need.

All for a one off special price - £250

Price may appear in Swedish Kroner as my business is registered in Sweden.
